
Blog sub title

Nube de palabras en Inkscape
Nube de palabras en Inkscape

Pequeña guía para hacer una nube de palabras (o tag cloud) en Inkscape

Instalacion de servidor sshd en Fedora Silverblue
Instalacion de servidor sshd en Fedora Silverblue

Instrucciones para configurar el accesso ssh a fedora silverblue

Ditch Google Analytics For Counter
Ditch Google Analytics For Counter

I hacked Google Analytics away in favor of

The simplest GitHub workflow for deploying static sites
The simplest GitHub workflow for deploying static sites

It’s really simple, just checkout and rsync

Migrating blog from GH Pages to GH Actions
Migrating blog from GH Pages to GH Actions

GH Pages is too restrictive, let’s fix it with GH Actions

Basic CRUD with Rocket
Basic CRUD with Rocket

This is what I went through while creating my first web app in Rust.

Learning to use jq, the Command-line JSON processor
Learning to use jq, the Command-line JSON processor

Learning to use jq, the Command-line JSON processor

Último compilado de lecturas del 2018
Último compilado de lecturas del 2018

Este compilado cubre las semanas 50 a 51 del 2018.

Sublimetext Flatpack Shortcut

Sublimetext flatpack shortcut

Lecturas Semana 49

Semana 40 de 2018